What do teachers get from Shikshangan's training?

Shift from traditional teaching to deep understanding of concepts and skills including critical thinking and problem solving

Practice inclusivity by respecting individual student differences and keeping a lens on Learning readiness, Multiple Interest & Learning Styles.

Enhance your lesson plans with effective pedagogies of Accelerated Learning, Differentiated Instruction and Collaborative Teaching.

Unpack syllabus strands across the grades to gain insights on knowledge blocks that help with diagnostic and remedial programs.

Effective Teaching Program

The Effective Teaching Program (ETP) presents a variety of sessions for teachers on specific pedagogical content to enhance teaching effectiveness. When we come to your city and school to conduct live training sessions, we bring a physical presence and activities that are lost and missed in online interactions. Our in-person training sessions warrant an engagement of 6 hours per day with adequate breaks, and an orchestrated engagement of your body, mind and intellect. We build in a buffer time for reflections and discussions with a purpose of consolidating all learning.

Continuous Professional Development

The Continuous Professional Development Program presents a variety of online sessions for teachers on specific pedagogical content to enhance teaching effectiveness. These sessions can be selected by school leaders by browsing through our wide range of well researched and developed modules, and can be booked for a sizable group of teachers. The dates and time slots for these sessions can be decided and reserved by the interested school, so as to accommodate professional training in their academic calendar. Each online session is of 2 hours duration, and carries certification for the participants.

Friday Fundae

Friday Fundae is a 90 minute paid webinar usually conducted in the evening of a suitable Friday every month. This popular program presents relevant and current topics in the domain of K-12 education. The only program where teachers can enroll directly, the objective of Friday Fundae is to keep teachers and school leaders abreast of research in the school education space and build their competency to use these learnings in their practice. Shikshangan's membership gets you free access to 8 Friday Fundae sessions throughout the year.

Look out for the announcement of the upcoming Friday Fundae session on our Facebook page!

Membership Benefits


Attend any 8 Friday Fundae sessions through the year, free of charge.
Receive a certificate for your participation each time.


Receive extra reading material in your inbox, before or after the related Friday
Fundae sessions every month.


Participate in a ‘Dialogue with Devika & Vijay' four times a year. This would be a virtual meeting, moderated
by Shikshangan founders; for all members to discuss new ideas in education.


Send us an article on your personal teaching experience and get an opportunity to be
published on the Member Spotlight page.


One free email consultation with Shikshangan founders every month. You can
discuss a problem you are facing at school and expect a response within a week.