What do school leaders get from Shikshangan's training?

Decision making through collaboration, Problem Solving techniques, Strategies for Stress & Time Management and Planning.

Recognise how Brain Research is linked to pedagogy. Know the key features of NEP 2020 and NCF 2023 and their influence on teaching and learning.

Sharpen recruitment, develop effective teachers through systematic observation & developmental feedback, and create a motivating environment.

Understand management of finances, inevitable changes in the system, school infrastructure, admission processes, planning review cycles.

Essential School Leadership Program

This is Shikshangan's flagship offering. A five-day residential retreat in the salubrious setting of the Western ghats, it draws school leaders from all corners of the country and provides a robust platform for sharing best practices. The course is designed to build skills along three dimensions of School leadership; Personal efficiency & effectiveness; Understanding the Academic domain & building of schools into great organisations.

Essential School Leadership Program ( ESLP) is a 10 hour program for school leaders spread over 5 days.

We conduct it in three ways:

  1. Program for leaders (residential mode near Pune )
  2. Non residential, on request at school site for 5 days
  3. Program for leaders (Online with flexible timings and dates, can be conducted on request)

Program for High Performing Schools

The High Performing School program is a long term online support for schools, where a 16 parameter HPS Rubric is used to track the journey for achieving high targets. Shikshangan conducts 24 online sessions in one year for schools that sign up, to ensure rapid progress.

Details of the program:

Shikshangan conducts 2 online sessions (each of 1.5 hr) per month for the mentee school first to understand the current situation with respect to the 16 parameters, and to work out an action plan.

Sessions will later be used to coach teachers and the leadership team, and to review the progress of the action plan. Few sessions will be for observing teaching (online) and giving goal referenced and developmental feedback.

This will provide close support to the school team for achieving all the parameters of the HPS Rubric.

Friday Fundae

Friday Fundae is a 90 minute paid webinar usually conducted in the evening of a suitable Friday every month. This popular program presents relevant and current topics in the domain of K-12 education. The only program where teachers can enroll directly, the objective of Friday Fundae is to keep teachers and school leaders abreast of research in the school education space and build their competency to use these learnings in their practice. Shikshangan's membership gets you free access to 8 Friday Fundae sessions throughout the year.

Look out for the announcement of the upcoming Friday Fundae session on our Facebook page!

Membership Benefits


Attend any 8 Friday Fundae sessions through the year, free of charge.
Receive a certificate for your participation each time.


Receive extra reading material in your inbox, before or after the related Friday
Fundae sessions every month.


Participate in a ‘Dialogue with Devika & Vijay' four times a year. This would be a virtual meeting, moderated
by Shikshangan founders; for all members to discuss new ideas in education.


Send us an article on your personal teaching experience and get an opportunity to be
published on the Member Spotlight page.


One free email consultation with Shikshangan founders every month. You can
discuss a problem you are facing at school and expect a response within a week.